Journal Prompts for Writing your Birth Story

In thinking through your birth story, sometimes it’s hard to even get started. So much happened, and thoughts tend to swirl around a newly postpartum brain.

To begin telling your birth story, I have put together some journal prompt suggestions for getting started.

Let me know what you think!

The Beginning: "When I think back to the moments leading up to my baby's birth, I remember feeling..."

  1. "The birthing environment was like a... I noticed..."

  2. "During labor and delivery, the people who were there with me included... Their presence made me feel..."

  3. "The physical sensations I experienced during labor were like... The most intense moment was when..."

  4. "Emotionally, I went through a range of feelings. At the beginning, I felt... As labor progressed, I started to feel..."

  5. "One challenge I faced during the birth was... To overcome it, I..."

  6. "When my baby was born, the first thing I noticed was... I felt a rush of emotions, especially..."

  7. "One unexpected event during the birth was... It caught me by surprise, and it made me feel..."

  8. "In the hours and days following the birth, I found myself thinking about... I remember feeling..."

  9. "After giving birth, I had to deal with physical discomfort such as... Emotionally, I coped by..."

  10. "During the postpartum period, the people who supported me included... They helped me by..."

  11. "Looking back, I've learned that... This experience has made me realize that I have the strength to..."

  12. "As I move forward as a mother, I hope to have a close relationship with my child by... To take care of myself, I plan to..."

Every mother and every baby has a different story to tell. What is yours?

Need help processing your birth? Therapy can help with that.


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